FAQs - Companies
1. When will the students be available?
Students will be available for projects from Monday-Friday, for at least 15-20 hours per week
2. Do we have to accommodate students in our offices?
Not necessarily. Some companies require students to attend office 5 days a week while others require once a week arrangement.
3. Do we need to pay students any remuneration for ELP?
Depends entirely on the company. Primary objective is to give students industry experience; monetary benefits are secondary. However, we recommend companies to bear TA/DA where extensive travel/visits are required for conducting primary research.
4. What is the Grading Criteria for ELP?
Due to varied nature of each project, faculty advisor and company supervisor mutually set the grading criteria. 80% of the grading weight lies with the faculty advisor whereas 20% with the company supervisor.
5. Can we include a “non-disclosure” clause in the agreement?
Yes. A non-disclosure agreement can certainly be signed and added in the TORs before the commencement of the project.
6. Does the company need to pay the conveyance/transport cost of students?
In case the company requires students to travel places for primary research/interviews. In other cases, it’s on discretion of the company. However, there is no obligation from IBA to do so.
7. Can the students work off-site?
Yes. Depending on the project and mutual consent of client, faculty advisor and students, project work can be done from outside office settings.
8. Can the company assign more than one supervisor from company’s end to a student group?
Yes, depending on the nature and scope of the project, the company may assign more than one supervisor. However, it is recommended to have a single source of communication among all the stakeholders.
9. Do we need to agree on the Terms of References (TORs) before the commencement of the project?
Yes, the Terms of References (TORs) need to be agreed upon between the students and the company before the start of project.
10. Does the company supervisor need to keep track of student's attendance?
Yes, the company supervisor needs to keep track of the visits of students in order to ensure timely completion of the project.
11. Does IBA require documentation from student groups?
Yes, students are required to submit their TORs, mid-review presentations/reports, and final reports and presentations to the ELP office via LMS after the endorsement of their faculty advisor and company supervisor